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Roedd grŵp o bobl yn sefyll yn yr awyr agored mewn cylch

Rhybudd Swydd - Rydym yn Ceisio Mapwyr Cymunedol

Bydd y mapwyr cymunedol yn gweithio mewn ysgolion, canolfannau hamdden a digwyddiadau ar draws yr ardal gan helpu plant a phobl ifanc i greu data ar gyfer ein mapiau cymunedol.

Aeronwy Williams
Grŵp o bobl yn tynnu ar fapiau ffisegol gyda marcwyr

Rolau Cynorthwyydd Prosiect Mapio Cymunedol - Future Leaders Programme 2024

5 cyfle gwych i bobl ifanc gyfrannu dros yr haf.

A photo of the person.
Roo Williams
Taflen ar gyfer digwyddiad yr Rural Roaming Room

Helpwch ni i ddylunio'r Rural Roaming Room!

Dylunio a phrototeip gyda ni yng Nghanolfan Celfyddydau Ucheldre, Caergybi fis Chwefror yma

A photo of the person.
Roo Williams

Press & Mentions

We’re thrilled to that Public Map Platform is showcased in the first issue of Future Observatory – the Design Museum’s new online journal on new thinking around design research, ecology, and a future.
Project bard Gillian Brownson has written a piece about the dark-skied inspiration Ynys Môn provides for her forthcoming engagement work with children on the island.
"The map layers will constantly grow with information and sophistication, reconfigured according to local policy and boundaries."
"This will enable local authorities to capture the social, environmental and cultural value in a way that feeds into their systems and processes when monitoring the green transition."
"It’s important that we find ways to record children and young people’s views on climate change. They are the future generation who will be affected by the decisions of policymakers and planners. Despite this, their views are often overlooked and so the aim of this project is to give them a voice."
"The data gathered as part of this project will be useful to local authorities beyond Anglesey, and will inform their decision making as they pursue their own green transitions."
" working closely with communities, the projects will also make sure that local views and experiences are front and centre in our transition to a cleaner, more secure energy system."