
The Mandala of Ynys Môn: An outline model of Ynys Môn made of cardboard. The inside of it is divided into sections, each part filled with a different  kind of object, e.g., corks, spectacle lenses, stones, LEGO, stones, pine cones, marbles and shoelaces.

What is a Map?

Play:Disrupt are reminded that children will always outplay them as they experiment with methods for co-designing digital maps

A photo of the person.
Malcom Hamilton
A node map on a geographical map background.  The node map is made up of yellow, teal, pink and lime green circles with links in between the circles.  Each node has a unique label.  For example, a node labelled ‘uneasiness in stairwell’ is connected to another node labelled ‘normalised drug use’.  There is also a filter box with buttons to show or hide different node groups.

Prototyping new technologies: Creating new kinds of maps that explore the interconnectedness of community wellbeing

Free Ice Cream talk about the principles they bring to the community mapping tools they make. From making something that’s fun to use, to helping communities ask better questions about how and why they live as they do. The mapping tools being developed in the Public Map Platform are highly innovative.

A photo of the person.
Sam Howey Nunn
The image depicts an abstract digital artwork with lines and shapes resembling interconnected nodes or a cosmic network. The background is black, resembling outer space with scattered white dots representing stars. In the centre, there are two larger blue shapes, one appearing like an atom or nucleus with orbiting lines, and the other resembling a swirling vortex or spiral pattern. Slender, glowing blue lines crisscross the image, creating triangular and geometric patterns, connecting the central forms to each other and to the surrounding space. The overall effect evokes a sense of interconnectivity, complexity, and a visualisation of unseen forces or networks in the cosmos.

The What and Why of Inclusion

This blog looks at the importance and power of working inclusively within a team that is working in two languages, across cultures, with multiple organisations, a diversity of academic disciplines, each with its own technical language and a range of access needs and different communication styles.

A photo of the person.
Dr. Anne Collis
A macquette of a structure made with cardboard and sticks

Designing the Rural Roaming Room

An innovative space to imagine a better future

A photo of the person.
Dr. Tristian Evans
Sand dunes and grass with the ocean on the horizon and sun beams coming through the clouds

Ynys Môn/ Anglesey site visits with Natural Resources Wales

Preparing for a summer of activities with a whistle stop tour of sites managed by Natural Resources Wales on The Isle of Anglesey.

Aeronwy Williams
Prof. Flora Samuel giving a presentation to the crowd

The PMP Whole Team Meeting

Reflections on the PMP whole team meeting

A photo of the person.
Prof. Flora Samuel